
The Fifth Of March Ann Rinaldi Summary

Decent Essays

The New World and its Beginning The action, 1770, the American Revolution. Whether you are on England’s side or American’s you cannot deny the fact of the bettering of the world, with America rising as the world's new superpower. But before all this America had to win a war, a war against its parents, the then, worldly superpower. A great introduction is The Fifth of March by Ann Rinaldi. This story is about a fourteen year old girl who is forced to choose between loyalist or patriot, in her case she is faced with many people who influence the final decision. Three great examples of character traits that Rachel (main character) grows and adapts to, are confidence, empathy, and perseverance. Before the essay is brought to a start an intro to the background of the US is needed. The King of England sent the Americans to the new world to grow his power, but the Americans felt left out in the decision making so they revolted. The formed their own country, the King still believing he was all and powerful didn’t like this. He fought the US, this is how events like the Boston Massacre, the basis of The Fifth of March, or events like the Battle of Saratoga which lead the Americans towards their independence occurred. Perseverance, that's a biggie, because without it Americans never would have won. If the …show more content…

Rachel Marsh, had to be confident on where she stood politically. “I have found my proper place I am sure of it.” Rachel says this after choosing Patriots because she knew that she had to chose a side that supported her, and her beliefs.This is important in the story, because Rinaldi liked to put women in a place of power in her novels where everything revolved around them, where Rachel had full power to make this choice herself. Rachel grows immensely in confidence throughout the novel, readers can easily prove this with the ending of the book with her making the best choice for her, and is no longer Matthews

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