
The Fight For Contraceptives By Margaret Sanger

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Margaret Sanger, a New York and an active feminist, led the fight for contraceptives, which are methods or devices to prevent pregnancy. Sanger, whose mother at a young age because she had birthed eleven children, helped shape her into a very individualistic and assertive woman. She was a part of the Socialist party, while studying to be a nurse, and starting a family of her own. In 1912, she began to work in the slums with the poor immigrant women who lived there. Her experience in the slums with these women, helped shaped her strong opinion on why women should be in control of childbearing. This was not the only thing that shaped it, but helped further her outlook after she was a witness to her own mother’s death. Her final call to action though was the ghastly stories of self-induced abortions and the tales of more than horrific pregnancies.
Sanger’s movement to push for birth control caused her to be closely watched by the law enforcement. She repeatedly sent informative brochures about contraceptives out to the public and opened a birth control clinic in Brooklyn; it impudently went against Comstock Act and several other laws. In 1920 Sangers methods became less extensive and that same year she founded the American Birth Control League, now known as Planned Parenthood. This was one of the biggest milestones in her career as a feminist. In 1925 she gave her memorable speech “The Children’s Era” at the first birth control conference. When she delivered the speech she

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