
The First Migration Of The Ranieri Family

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Discovered in 1524 by French colonists, New York quickly became the land of success for millions of migrants from Europe, Asia, and even those in the United States. In 1965, the first migration of the Ranieri family began from Sicily, Italy to Flushing, New York. Domenic Ranieri, a first generation Italian, was born into a full Italian family in 1985. He resided in Whitestone, NY until 2004 when he moved to Monmouth County, New Jersey at the age of 19. While in New York, Domenic was a student at Saint Francis Prep High School. As for his family, they were living the American Dream, pushing a strong work ethic and the importance of education. His father, Vito-Antonio Ranieri, began his career as a flight attendant for United Airlines while his mother, Giovanna Ranieri, owned a hair salon. Overall, Domenic enjoyed growing up in New York City. He took great advantage of the opportunities which allowed him to gain independence at such a young age. One of the greatest assumptions associated with the city is the excitement and different activities. Domenic was surrounded by hundreds of close family members from the same generation that all made the trip to the states together. A majority of his friends were his cousins, as this was a common occurrence among first generation families. At a younger age, Domenic and his cousins played different street games such as manhunt, wiffle ball, and football. As he grew older, the neighborhood kids began branching out and took advantage of

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