
The First Punic War

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In the Mediterranean, before Rome was truly established as the dominant power in the region, Rome found itself at odds with the goals of a city on an opposing shore of the sea, Carthage. During its time Carthage could have been considered almost an equal to Rome and, at times, even appeared as though it might surpass Rome. But in their conflicts, Rome would not only solidify its dominance in the region but would also expand its power base from not only the land but to the sea.
In the years before the First Punic War, Carthage was a city of massive economic and naval influence in the Mediterranean. It rose to power when Queen Dido along with many other wealthy citizens of the city Tyre were driven out by Alexander the Great and settled in northern …show more content…

Despite the concessions that they made to Rome after the war, Carthage continued to improve economically through trade in the western Mediterranean Sea. They established territories throughout eastern Spain and the northern coast of Africa. Rome watched this growth with trepidation. When the Carthaginian commander Hannibal seized Saguntum, an allied city of Rome, which was surrounded by the territory of Carthage in 219 B.C. “Carthage refused Roman demands for Hannibal’s extradition” (Mulligan, n.d.). With time and trade Carthage had recovered their coffers from the First Punic War, they had established new territories throughout the region, and with Hannibal at the lead of their armies, Carthage felt that they were now the equal of Rome and were willing to defy its demands. Now the military tides had turned, Rome was the definitive naval power, but Hannibal marched to Italy from Spain at the head of a well-trained “fifty thousand infantry, nine thousand cavalry, and a number of elephants” (Morey, 1901, para. 4) ready to meet, and several times defeat, the Romans in ground combat. But despite their wealth and forces led by a military genius, Carthage did not have the regional support that Rome had established. Thus, started the Second Punic War, the victor of which, Rome, would be finally be established as the dominant

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