
The Five Civilized Tribes

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They made transitions such as moving property ownership from females to males, using modern farming technologies, sending children to school, and attending church. These tribes soon became known as the Five Civilized Tribes, but ultimately, they were unable to assimilate due to the issue of land ownership. Communal property was incompatible with absolute property because the Americans believed that occupied land was not equivalent to owning the land. As a result, Southerners re-divided counties in the South, making it easier for them to gain legal title on Native American land . Southerners also formed the basis of a new Indian class. Sons of plantation masters impregnated Indian women and their mixed children were able to sit on tribunal councils. The Southern master class used these mixed-Indians as their proxies. Sitting on tribunal councils, mixed council members were bilingual, familiar with both societies, and had major political power that they used to transform Indian society1. Mixed-Indians were involved in Indian wars, such as one involving warriors of the Creek, Cherokee, and Choctaw tribes against the Chickasaw warriors in the Battle of Horseshoe Bend¹. …show more content…

The first Supreme Court case was Cherokee Nation v. Georgia, 1831. The Cherokees created a constitution similar to the US constitution and wanted to be recognized as an independent nation. The Marshall Court ruled that Indian tribes were a special territory that had a dependent status in the US1. The second Supreme Court case was Worchester v. Georgia, 1832, which was another attempt by Cherokees to become their own nation. This Marshall Court ruling explained that Indians were members of dependent nations with a right to rule their own

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