
The Five People You Meet In Heaven Analysis

Decent Essays

Jackie Robinson once said, “A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives.” With 7 billion other people on the planet it is easy to think one is worthless. Most individuals feel as if they are insignificant in the world. They fail to realize the importance of their influence on others. For example, in The Five People You Meet In Heaven, author Mitch Albom, illustrates a bitter elderly man, Eddie. He feels as if he is pointless and regrets his repetitious job as maintenance worker. However, this is all changed in Eddie’s journey through heaven. In the novel The Five People You Meet in Heaven, by Albom, Eddie comes to realize how his time in the military transformed others’ lives.
While in heaven, Eddie first learns how his time in the military impacted the lives of his unit and his captain. He had immensely affected whether they had lived or died during their time as prisoners of war. Due to his quick thinking, Eddie was able to construct a diversion that gave him and his men an escape route. Eddie used his juggling skills to distract the guards resulting in their flee. Without Eddie’s assistance the men would most likely not have escaped. Unfortunately, their jailbreak also led up to the captain’s death. When the men were rushing out of the burning camp, Eddie believed he saw a person in the fire. He made several attempts to save whoever was still in the flames. This gave the captain no choice but to shoot his leg and then rush him to a nearby medical

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