
The Foundation Of Goldstein 's Problem Oriented Policing

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Book Evaluation

The foundation of Goldstein’s problem oriented policing stems from his belief that police agencies in the 1980’s had an opportunity and obligation to do more to impact crime and disorder within their communities than what was being done. The professionalization of law enforcement gained prominence from the 1940’s through the 1970’s. It came out of a necessity to improve the capabilities of police. It was believed that the improvement of organizations through better quality personnel, upgraded equipment, and standardized procedures would lead to better departments and that would lead to safer cities. Numerous research studies showed that the move to professionalize law enforcement through a higher standard of …show more content…

Goldstein identified several concerns with modern law enforcement that problem-oriented policing sought to overcome. First was that professional policing’s focus on efficiency had reduced their effectiveness at dealing with problems. Second, agencies were reactive in nature. The focus on response to calls for service left little time for officers to engage in proactive policing strategies. Third, a major resource for law enforcement is the community itself but that partnerships between law enforcement and the community they serve had been severed. Fourth, the top down focus of police management did not provide for enough input from line officers and that their talent was largely going wasted. Fifth, the complexity of police organizations had not been properly recognized and that adjustments were needed for agencies to see greater success.

Two significant obstacles were identified as hindering change within law enforcement agencies. The first is the presence of a resistance to change within the police subculture. Research supports the presence of this powerful force that leads officers to easily dismiss efforts to influence their behavior if they determine the efforts to not have value. A second major obstacle is that agencies have been slow to adopt successful plans to implement change within their organization. While efforts to try new strategies have taken place, too often the bureaucracy of agencies

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