
The Four Functions Of The Four Agencies Of DHS

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1. The major component agencies of DHS and their primary functions are U.S Customs And Border Protection - is responsible for preventing terrorists and terrorist weapons from entering the united states. Homeland Security Investigation - is responsible for investigating a wide range of domestic and international activities arising from the illegal movement people and goods in and out the united states. Enforcement and removal operations - Identifies, apprehends, and removes undocumented immigrants from the united states. Management and administration - directorate oversees ICE’s budget, expenditures, accounting and finance, procurement, human resources and personnel, workforce and recruitment, equal employment opportunity, information technology systems, facilities, property and equipment needs.
Transportation Security Administration - protects the nation's …show more content…

Economic interests in the nation’s ports, on its waterways, along the coast, international water, or in any maritime region as region as required, to support national security. Secret Service - Protects the president Federal Law Enforcement Training Center-Provides training for more than one hundred federal, state , and local agencies. 2. The major functions of the four agencies of the Department of Justice that are described in the chapter is the Federal Bureau of investigation, Bureau of alcohol, tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives.
3. Local Police includes municipal, county, tribal, and regional police that derive authority from the local governing body that created it. The primary purpose is to uphold the laws of the jurisdiction, provide patrol, and investigate local crimes. State police often perform police duties to include highway patrol and statewide investigations. Also , State police assist local police with investigations and emergencies that extend beyond the resources and jurisdictional boundaries of the local

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