
The Four Life Stories

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The four life stories I have chosen to reflect on are Santos, Raven, Chip, and Manuel. Santos endured many hardships as a young boy, as he was raised in a farm in Mexico without an education. He then came to the United States where he had many jobs, such a washing dishes and cutting wood boards, but never a high pay job. Throughout his life, he lost a brother and his father. He then came back to the farm to build a house out of adobe. Raven, from Dallas, loves music and this was the main reason she came to Austin. She had around eight jobs in Austin over a three-year period and she started to dislike Austin. She always had two jobs to support herself, but she was not liking it as she had to deal with many customers and faced sexual harassment. …show more content…

As you can see from all four characters, they all have different dreams that are apart from the American dream and this is where they all connect. First of all, they all want to be like other Americans without struggles, but they all face their own problems leading to their dreams. Santos dreams of attaining a better job to be financially stable, but it is very difficult for him because he has no education and struggles talking the language of English. Raven dreams of being able to be financially stable, without having to dance for gentlemen. Chip dreams to be healthy and financially stable, but his body is not letting him. I believe Manuel’s dream is really more than just a college degree, a decent-paying job, or a driver’s license, in which I think he wants to be able to defend himself. All these four character are really not able to follow the American Dream. They all have different dreams and would want to achieve the American Dream, but it is something else they really want. Supposedly, the key ingredients to achieve the American Dream are hard work and determination, but the truth is that it is much more complicated for different

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