
The Four Primary Ethical Principles

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The Four Primary Ethical Principles in Human Research
Psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes (Feldman, 2013, p.5). The simplistic definition is actual very complex, as it includes a persons thought, emotions, perceptions, reasoning process, memories, and their biological activates that maintain their bodily functions (Feldman, 2013, p.5). Psychologists use the scientific method in order to describe, predict, and explain human behavior (Feldman, 2013, p.5). This is done to achieve an understanding of what or why a person does what they do, in order to help people improve their lives, with out the need for speculation.
The ways Psychologist are able to understand and help patients is from the study of psychology. The study of psychology is done through many ways, observational learning, experiments, case study, correlations, and research, just to name a few.
Since Psychology involves the study of humans, it is important to understand the ethical principles that must me adhered too, in order to not violate the participants, animals, the psychologist and the study of psychology as a whole. The Belmont Report is the governing factor that identifies the ethical principles and guidelines for the protection of human research. The Belmont report identifies three fundamental principals in protecting human participants, Respect for Persons, Beneficence, and Justice. The four primary ethical principals in psychology with human beings, is derived from

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