
The Freedom Of Expression In Art Spiegelman's Maus II

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The freedom of expression is an idea that all humans want. However, the same people that cherish this freedom will try to regulate and infringe on the rights of others to express themselves. One of the main methods of expression is through the usage of written words. Many people try to censor words by banning books and documents. An example of this is Art Spiegelman's graphic novel Maus II. In this novel, Art describes his grandfather's experience in the infamous concentration camp known as Auschwitz. Spiegelman uses a graphic choice that turns nationalities/religions into specific animals and many other methods. Maus II should not be banned for its graphic choices because these decisions do not lessen the seriousness of the message, nor does it provide an image too dark for the audience There are plenty of scenes with nudity in Maus II, and it has gained attention by critics. On page 26, a panel that shows Jewish prisoners running in a shower. Jewish people were drawn as Mice and were completely nude in crammed showers. There went into the showers thinking it was the infamous gas chambers; however, it was just an ordinary shower. (Spiegelman 26) This scene generates attention to the serious topic of gas chambers, and critics may say the nudity may lessen the seriousness of the topic or that genitalia on mice is inappropriate. However, the genitals of the mice were drawn so small it does not distract the reader from the message of the panel. In addition to this, the nudity

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