
The French And American Revolutions Essay

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Many connections regarding the causes and circumstances between the French and American Revolutions existed due to the people and ideas of the day, but ultimately, they were motivated by different concerns. Americans wanted to be a sovereign nation and the French nationals were revolting against years of oppression and social inequity between the classes.

The main causes of the French and American Revolutions will now be listed respectively:

1. Financial/Economical

In the 1700’s, France was easily the richest country in Europe next to Great Britain. Its great and powerful navy and an army of hundreds of thousands of men also made it a formidable state.
Unfortunately, unlike the administration a century before hand, the administration at the late eighteenth century was dreadful with its treatment of the country’s poorest. The wealthiest citizens, the aristocrats, did not pay taxes. Hence the tax burden needed to support such a great empire was forcibly placed on the shoulders of the middle and lower classes. This resulted in poverty in vast areas. For example, there was a salt tax in which every citizen was required to purchase a specific amount of salt annually whether it was consumed or not. In addition, the government at the time had the salt monopoly that further placed a huge burden on many areas.

At one time, a more forward thinking finance minister called Julius Necker, tried to administer reforms within the country by emphasizing the need for

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