
The French Revolution for a New Government Essay

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In 1789, the French people were being unfairly treated and revolted in order to get the changes they wanted. But they had to go over many challenging obstacles to achieve this. When the financial situation in France took a turn for the worse, King Louis XVI called a meeting of the Estates-General to decide on how best to tax the people. The Estates-General was made up of the three estates of the political system of France, which was called the Old Regime. The first estate consisted of the clergy of the Roman Catholic Church. They owned ten percent of the land and paid two percent of the taxes. The second estate was formed of the rich nobles, who owned twenty percent of the land and paid nearly no taxes. Lastly there was the third …show more content…

The third estate and their supporters agreed to Sieyès’s idea and voted to become the National Assembly. Unfortunately, the National Assembly was immediately faced with a challenge. They arrived to their meeting room to find it locked. Not so easily stopped, they broke down the doors to the indoor Royal Tennis Court and vowed not to leave until they had made a new constitution and had the King’s promise that he would enforce it. This vow was called the Tennis Court Oath. In response to the uprising of reformers, King Louis XVI had an army of Swiss guards brought in around Versailles. The people were worried by the rumors that the King intended to have the military forcibly disband the National Assembly, or that the French citizens were going to be annihilated. They began to get together weapons they could use to defend themselves against these foreign troops when a mob got the idea to raid the prison, the Bastille, for gunpowder. When the commander of the Bastille saw these thieves he fired on them and killed many. The fear of losing the National Assembly, or their lives, was pushed further by this and the mob grew incredibly violent. They broke through the guard and took control of the Bastille, hacked some of the guards and the prison commander to death and paraded

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