
The Functionalist Perspective And The Conflict Perspective

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As with disease, discrimination is a major killer of a unified nation. This paper will express two theories cultural deprivation, connected to the ideals of the functionalist perspective and cultural bias, which is associated with the conflict perspective. I will also express how the epidemic of racism within a minority community allows lawmakers to undermine the abilities of these communities, therefore, limiting resources to public schools subsequently assisting in institutional racism on a systemic level. As the disease progress, American continues to maintain its illness. I believe education is the blueprint to a successful future for most yet with people of color there are setbacks and loophole all due to race. People of color believe not matter how hard they work the system will always create a disadvantage point keeping them in an oppressive state. In order for real change, they have to believe that their hard work can to give them the American dream.
The Functionalist perspective and the Conflict perspective play contrasting roles in the education system with both differing views providing positive and negative guidance in the development of the people within the society, with the conclusion of people of color in one perspective being at a disadvantage while the other provides hopefulness. The Functionalist perspective affords everyone equal privilege in education by allowing the individual to exercise their own abilities and build upon their strength. If the

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