
The Game Of Video Games

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To Game or Not to Game? You take a deep breath, trying to contain your excitement. You notice that your hands are beginning to tremble, and you feel as though you have enough energy to literally ping off the walls. Then you step into the cool building and the smell of plastic and sweat hits you. The screams of excited customers fill your ears. Your eyes take in rows, upon rows of new store merchandise, and you feel your excitement kick up another notch, something you thought was impossible. Most of America’s population describe this place as the second happiest place on earth- where are you? A video game store of course! In fact over fifty nine percent of Americans play video games, and out of those only twenty nine percent are below the ages of eighteen. Since there beginning in 1958 video games have rocked our world, and have managed to catch the attention of over half of the American people. From the very first games, to the mass collection of video games that goes on for a couple of aisles, its plain to see video games have earned their set spot on the consumerist market for an extremely long time . However, are they good for us? Many citizens are starting to question the nature of video games, mainly the ones that base their virtual realities around violence. It is presently in a heated debate of whether violent video games have an effect on young adults, specifically if it makes adolescents more aggressive. It can be seen that there are many documented cases of

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