
The Genesis Of American Baptists

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The Genesis of American Baptists
The American Baptist Movement came from England in the 17th century, after the Baptists were persecuted by the Church of England for being dissenting separatists. In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, new members were converted and congregations were formed by Baptist preachers who traveled throughout the South, in particular during the eras of the First and Second Great Awakenings.

The Triennial Convention
The Triennial Convention was formed in 1814, when American Baptists unified nationally. The convention met every three years and was based in Philadelphia. The Home Mission Society was started in 1832. It was affiliated with the Triennial Convention, and existed to support missions in the United States, particularly in the frontier territories. In spite of this unity in mission among American Baptists, by the middle of the nineteenth century, there were several social, cultural, economic, and political differences becoming apparent among Northern business, Western farmers, and Southern planters.

Conflict and Separation
In 1844, there was great division over the issue of slavery. The Baptists of the South felt that the Northerners’ position that “‘slaveholding brethren were less than followers of Jesus’ effectively obliged slaveholding Southerners to leave the fellowship” . There was also disagreement between the Northerners and Southerners over the number of missionaries being supported and sent to the South (probably because of

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