
The Genocide Of The Rwanda Essay

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In 1994, Rwanda was a situation of hatred and revenge tailored by European influence that mixed together to form the recipe for Genocide. Classical control of third world nations and exploitation by the west is nothing new. In Africa, the direction of the government is often manipulated by countries that have had historical control over them. The Genocide of Rwanda was a transfer of position that placed the Hutu people in a seat of power over the former rulers, which were the Tutsis elite. This shift in power led to the division of a nation, evolving propaganda, and a psychological approach used to create a genocide.
In the early history of Rwanda, there lie differences in people, but peace among the populace was always upheld in the eyes of the Tutsis. In the opinion of the Hutu, they recall being subjugated beneath the”mwami”, the Tutsis elite. In the precolonial times, the Hutu and Tutsis were called a collective name, the Banyarwanda, which was the term for people of Rwanda. Germany gained control of the region in 1885 and governed their region through the “mwami”. An English man named John Hanning Speke gave a hardline separation of the two people that would be echoed by the Belgians and the Hutus later into the 20th century. The term “Hamitic hypothesis” stated that the origins of the Hutu and Tutsis were that of a leader and servant. It claimed that the origin of Tutsis had descended from the Biblical King David out of Ethiopia and they were a superior race

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