
The Genwand The Causes Of The Rwandan Genocide

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The Rwandan Genocide

The Rwandan Genocide was a mass slaughter of the Tutsi in Rwanda by members of the Hutu majority government. Many were killed over the one hundred day period. This not only affected Rwanda, but many neighbouring countries. In the end, over two million refugees fled to Rwanda to different countries.

The genocide was also called the genocide against the Tutsi. An estimated five hundred thousand - one million Rwandans were killed during the one hundred day period from April 7th to mid July 1994, killing as much as seventy percent of the Tutsi population. It ended when the Tutsi backed down. The heavily armed Rwandan Patriotic Front, led by Paul Kagami, took control of the country. An estimated two million Rwandans were displaced and became refugees.

The genocide was planned by members of the Core Political Elite. Many of them had positions at top levels of the national government. It took place in the context of the Rwandan Civil War. An outgoing conflict beginning in 1990 between the Hutu - led government and Rwandan Patriotic Front. This largely consisted of Tutsi refugees whose families had fled to Uganda after the 1959 Hutu revolt against colonial rule. Waves of Hutu violence against the RPF and Tutsi followed Rwandan independence in 1962. International pressure on the Hutu government of juvénial Habyarimana resulted in cease fire in 1993, with a road map to implement the Arusha Accords, which would create a power sharing government

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