
The Girl Who Sang To The Buffalo Character Analysis

Decent Essays

“The Girl Who Sang to the Buffalo” is a fictional novel based on true events written by the popular American author, Kent Nerburn. Nerburn connected the reader to the ways of the Native Americans and non-Natives. Many non-Natives believe they have a basic understanding of the Native Americans, and what they have dealt with the US government. However, Nerburn provides a different perspective in comprehending the irritation the Native Americans thought of Americans not fully realizing they are heckling the Natives in this manner. Kent Nerburn had some issues with the Natives in not thinking through his decisions when confronting a Native about any questions he may have resulting in mounts of annoyance of the Natives. Someone who does not …show more content…

However, there was an altercation when discussing to Benais that he was recording their conversation without his consent. Nerburn may have not realized at the time the seriousness of recording a person without their consent, which relates to in the present, schools for example ask for permission of parents to have their students recorded in class for educational purposes. Both consents are seen to be necessary to both parties because someone may not want to be recorded for some reason resulting in no participation. Nerburn did not grasp the major controversary that he did not ask permission of Benais to have him recorded. Dan had to intervene and explain to Benais that Nerburn meant no harm to recording his conversation. Which did not fully resolve their broken trust, but made Benais recognize the angle Nerburn came from. To Native Americans this is a way to pawn off their Indian traditions or words in this case for someone else’s benefit. All Native American traditions are kept sacred to everyone in the Indian communities. Indians admire Americans, or people who want to learn more of the Native culture. Yet, Native Americans are not fond of Americans who abuse their traditions or culture for more profit. Everything apart of the Native American culture is seen highly to them because it connects them to their ancestors, and it makes them keep their culture standing. While there are Americans, like

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