
The Giver By Lois Lowry Essay

Decent Essays

The Giver, by Lois Lowry, is the story of a twelve year old boy named Jonas growing up in a Utopian Society. The story is told in a limited omniscient point of view. It is not told by Jonas himself but through Jonas’s point of view. The narrator gives the reader a closer look into what Jonas is thinking and feeling. It is told through the point of view of Jonas but by someone else who knows Jonas’ thoughts and feelings, as he learns the truth about the world all around him. It is in chapter eight, during the Ceremony of Twelve, we learn about Jonas’ life-long duty to society. Members of the community are “assigned” to various different duties, but not Jonas. Jonas was “selected” to the position of Receiver of Memory, which is the most …show more content…

In order to create a completely peaceful and pleasant society that was free of hate a war, they eliminated emotions. Well the creators, of this utopian society, were successful in achieving a completely safe and stable community but was it a meaningful? No throughout his training, Jonas came to realization that without memories of the past, on cannot learn from their mistakes, grow as a person, ever know real happiness or deep emotions or true love, and or celebrate in one’s accomplishments. Members of this utopian society are not allowed the opportunity to ever no true happiness or pain because life in the Giver does not give one the chance to endure it. Parents are not allowed to birth their own children and are rather assigned children. Sex is not allowed. People are medicated to insure that they do not experience dreams and or sexual desires. Identical twins are not allowed because having two individuals that are emotionally similar is a communal risk. All decisions have been made for members of the community and they provide some sort of purpose to the community as a

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