
The Giver Dystopian

Satisfactory Essays

Utopia…Yeah Right

The Giver strives to be a utopian society but the still can’t be perfect. The Giver is a book with the main character being Jonas, Jonas has no last name; however, no one else had the last name in their society. The Giver is a Dystopian because they get their memories erased, they are all equal, and they get assigned jobs when they are 12.
In The Giver, they get their memories erased. They erase their memories from things like snow, hills, and color. The memory of color (red) The Giver claims “you’re beginning to see the color red” (94). The only reason Jonas is able to see red is because he receives the memories because he is the Receiver of Memories; however, no one else gets those memories which make it a dystopian society. …show more content…

The Giver explains his job by saying, "My job is to transmit to you all the memories I have with me" (77). He has to transmit these memories to help him make The Giver closer to a Utopian society than ever. This makes it is a dystopian society because The Giver has to transmit his memories to Jonas to try to make people unequal. Only two people are unequal in The Giver, why can’t everyone be equal?
In The Giver, the society gets assigned jobs when only 12 years old. When Jonas's father talks about the twelve to Jonas, he states, “And finally, at the end of the second day, which seemed to go on forever, it was my turn. It was the ceremony of …show more content…

18 year old can barely handle their own jobs, how do 12-year-olds do the same or better? The twelves in The Giver should be changed to later on in life.
The reasons The Giver is a dystopian society is due to, them getting their memories erased, them all being equal, also them all getting assigned jobs when they are only 12. The reasons this makes it a dystopian society is that 18 years old can barely handle their own jobs, how to 12-year-olds do the same, or better. Being equal makes everyone in their society have limits to things that they want to do. In The Giver, you have no memories, which makes it limitless like having everyone being equal. The Giver is a good choice of a book for the sixth graders to read because we know the world can never be a

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