
The Giver Research Paper

Decent Essays

Jack Carroll once said ”Perhaps the greatest utopia would be if we could all realize that no utopia is possible;no place to run, no place to hide, just take care of business here and now” People throughout the ages have attempted a utopian society but they have all ended in crumbles. In the Novel The Giver our society has a lot of differences in which split our society from being anywhere near theres . The society in The Giver and ours there are a lot of rules. In our society there are rules also such as, someone killing, which would result into punishment or in the worst case death. The Giver society is similar to our society because, in their society people are released, they do this by injecting a human with a serum, in which that serum …show more content…

In their society, people cannot go out and pick their own jobs. For instants in our society jobs can be as easy as asking a Mcdonald's manager for a job and just have to fill out a form and do some training and get the job. In The Giver, there is something called a ceremony and that is how to get jobs in their society. They start to work at the age of 12 and your jobs are given not chosen by that citizen. The Givers society has jobs such as, Birthmothers, recreational directors, teachers, engineers, fish hatchery attendant, neuterer, caretaker of the old,and last but not least receiver of memory. (There are many other jobs that were not stated) Birthmothers: In this position, a young woman is pampered for three years as she gives birth each year; after then, she will become a Laborer. A Caretaker is a person who takes care of all of the retired old. Fiona's has the job of the old caretaker. Asher has the job of assistant recreation director(Lowry 55-56) And the most important job of them all is the receiver of memory. The purpose of this job is to take all of the towns good and bad memories and to hold them in the brain of whomever was chosen, and take on all of the memories(Lowry 60-61). In our world we have so many jobs like Doctor, Nurses 1st Responders, Teachers, Animal trainers, Farmers, Stay at home parents. Our world is a lot different, but in many ways we are the

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