
The Glass Castle: A Short Story

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“Dad's hands trembled slightly as he unrolled different blueprints. He had drawn frontal views, side views, and aerial views of the Glass Castle. He had diagrammed the wiring and the plumbing. He had drawn the interiors of rooms and labeled them and specified their dimensions, down to the inches, in his precise, blocky handwriting. I stared at the plans. "Dad," I said. "you'll never build the Glass Castle." "Are you saying you don't have faith in your old man?" "Even if you do, I'll be gone. In less than three months, I'm leaving for New York City." "What I was thinking was you don't have to go right away," Dad said. I could stay and graduate from Welch High and go to Bluefield State, as Miss Katona had suggested, then get a job at The Welch Daily News. …show more content…

"And I'll build the Glass Castle, I swear it. We'll all live in it together. It'll be a hell of a lot better than any apartment you'll ever find in New York City, I can guaran­goddamn­tee that." I found this interesting because Rex Walls and his wife is the reason that their family fell apart. The children grew up independent, foraging for food at school in garbage cans. The reason why they live like scavengers are because of their irresponsible parents who often do not bring home enough money to live on and impulsively splurges on unnecessary items such as alcohol. When Lori moves out, Jeannette follows her older sister’s lead, frustrated by her parents’ antics. Rex Walls brings out the blueprints of the Glass Castle to prevent the family from being broken even further. However, Rex often postponed the building when the children were younger because he used the excuse that he couldn’t perfect his inventions that would fund the building of the

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