
The Glass Castle Analysis

Decent Essays

Struggles of Families with an Alcoholic Parent

There are on in every twelve adults who suffer from alcohol abuse leading to families engaging with struggles of alcohol abuse. Alcohol abuse has increased over the pasts year causing many families to struggle with an alcoholic parent leading their children to a confusing lifestyle. The Glass Castle talks about Jeannette Walls life as she grew up moving from place to place having a nomadic childhood along with her family. At first Mr.Walls was seen as an intelligent man who served for his country and cared deeply for his children. Later on in Jeannette’s book there was a scene, just like the other one, that popped out. In the book it states, “I began looking through all the junk in the bedroom …show more content…

Having to see a parent constantly drinking as a child affects them to a point where they seem to act differently with what is going on in their life, and as someone who has had an alcoholic parent I find that this is very true on how even our personalities change with this situation. Seeing the behavior that their parent express, children will respond differently than a spouse or an adolescent. This means that because of the exposure the children have with substance abusing parent it can lead them to have, have “[developed] tools to respond to extreme stress disruption and change, including mature judgement, capacity to tolerate ambiguity, autonomy, willingness to shoulder responsibility and moral certitude” (“Wolin and Wolin 1993”, NIH). We can connect how the information on the Website NIH can relate to The Glass Castle by how Jeannette, Lori and Brian all acted mature for their age to which can be seen by how they interact with each other as well as with their parents, especially with Rex. The way the children’s thought process was different and seemed to already know more or less how to deal the behavior of their father when he went on his drinking …show more content…

What other role could a child take? Children in families who suffer from any substance abuse, in this case, alcoholism, could end up switching roles. On the website NCBI, an example of the role change in a family is how a young child who has substance abusing parent would take the role of said parent to which is seen as an “inappropriate role taken that robs…” a child “...of a childhood.” (NIH, “Chapter 2 Impact of Substance Abuse on Families: Client lives with Spouse(or Partner) and Minor Children”). On another side, children who can’t seem to adapt to the alcoholism of a loved one suffer from “anxiety”, “antisocial behavior”, “behavior problems” stated by the “Children of Alcoholics: How Are Children Impacted?’’, and also explained that the “mental health issues” worsens if it’s the father abusing the substances. (NIH, ‘‘Children of Alcoholics: How Are Children Impacted?’’). From personal experience, it can cause trusting issues, more sensitivity to the subject of drinking (or not), and social

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