
The Gothic Features of Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte Essay

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The Gothic Features of Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte A Gothic novel is a type of literature, which became very popular in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. In this time, society was governed by strict moral codes. The "Gothics" would escape into a world of dark, supernatural and wild passions. The word 'Gothic' meant barbarous and wild and many writers liked to involve these elements in their novels. Gothic novels were usually set in foreign countries, particularly in Catholic countries in Southern Europe, and usually set in the past, in the Middle Ages. Many Gothic novels took place in castles, dungeons and monasteries, and were supernatural and mysterious, involving ghosts and …show more content…

It was "very seldom slept in" and was "one of the largest and stateliest chambers in the mansion." Bronte describes this room in huge depth, and gives the reader a strong visual idea of what it looks like; "massive pillars of mahogany" and "curtains of deep red damask". Jane also describes it as "chill" and "lonely" due to the fact that this was where Mr Reed "breathed his last." It is also very Gothic when Jane sees the ghost in the room, given that many Gothic novels have monsters or ghosts in them. "Oh! I saw a light", "I thought a ghost would come." This is a very significant moment at Gateshead, and Bronte uses descriptive language to build up the suspense and tension, "My heart beat thick", also "I was oppressed, suffocated." The next location Jane goes to is Lowood. The school is described as "a large and irregular building," It is very run-down and decrepit, and far away from any village or town. Bronte describes it to have a very "dreary silence," with "great low-ceiled, gloomy rooms" It is also described as "grey and old" with "a church-like aspect." This setting is obviously very Gothic. Here Jane is very alone, and her independence shines through as she moves to her new school. The orphaned girls wore dull uniforms, which consisted of a straw bonnet and a grey cloak. The meals consist of

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