
The Government's Invasion Of Privacy

Decent Essays

As citizens of America, we are all entitled to our rights of privacy. When something threatens this guaranteed privacy, we tend to take extra precautions to prohibit prolonged violations. Over the past couple of years, technology has made a tremendous leap with new inventions and different kinds of devices to better your everyday life. But do these electronics help the government to invade your privacy more? There have been many claims and arguments of people accusing our government of listening in on our phone calls, reading our texts, and even using Amazon’s “Alexa”, a virtual assistant used in Amazon Echo speakers, to record and then send our personal conversations to the government. Many people feel that their rights have been violated with social medias, such as Facebook. Some examples are use of their automatic face-detection and spam ads popping up on profiles about interests one was just speaking about. Phones today now have biometric security on lock screens and also on apps within the phone. Many …show more content…

Many people have said various rebuttals to this argument. Of course if you have nothing to hide then you should have no concern for your privacy. The word "hide" presupposes that nobody can have a good motive for wishing to protect information about their lives. So why would you want more privacy laws if you aren’t hiding anything? Innocent people don’t have any regulations on what the government is doing if they aren’t anything illegal. What the government is doing is keeping their citizens safe from the people who are doing harm to society. If a group of people are planning a bombing or school shooting via phone call or text message then the government can be there listening in or monitoring everything they are saying and quickly stop or even prevent the whole thing from happening. The government is meerley helping their citizens and making sure that they are safe from

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