
What Is Oppression?

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In many privileged minds, “the grass is greener on the other side of the fence”. This quote refers to individuals being unhappy with their current circumstances, usually when the individuals are financially and socially stable. However, to less fortunate individuals, this quote explicitly defines the cruel reality that they face on a daily basis. The aforementioned individuals are oppressed, or subject to prolonged cruel and unjust treatment. While the definition can be put into words, the true weight of the tragedy these people face cannot be. Oppression can exist in many forms, and can affect people from all walks of life. Most commonly, oppression exists in the form of racial inequality, economic gap, and even gender bias. By using the historical, economic, and social lenses, one can determine the causes of oppression and the devastating effects that they have on career development and personal success. In order to fully understand oppression, the origins of it must be closely analyzed. Oppression has existed since the first human civilizations came about, 12,000 years ago. In a 2005 article written by Morton Deutsch, a Psychology and Education professor at Columbia University, he states that the earliest divisions “were mainly based upon sex, age, and individual physical and social abilities” (Deutsch). Essentially, the most able-bodied workers, which were primarily male, got the largest share of resources in scarce times. Due to the inability to provide a

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