
The Grat Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

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“Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgastic future that year by year recedes before us.” (Fitzgerald 180). The ‘corruption’ and ‘incorruptible dream’ tie the entire story together to show that everyone is selfish and are all working for their own dreams. Throughout the entirety of The Great Gatsby, Gatsby is almost obsessed with getting what he had in the past. He is in a way blinded by his love for Daisy Buchanan, almost as if it’s all he can see. Everything he accomplishes all leads back to Daisy is some way. He tries unbelievable hard to achieve his dream yet what he doesn’t know is that it is too far out of reach. Throughout The Great Gatsby, the theme of corruption is conveyed through Gatsby’s incorruptible dream of his past. Overall, Gatsby whole 'incorruptible dream' is repeating the past and getting Daisy to love him. "'Can't repeat the past?' he cried incredulously. ’Why of course you can!'" (Fitzgerald 116). Nick Carraway, the narrator, supports the belief that Gatsby cannot repeat the past, and in fact no one can repeat the past. Yet, Gatsby is unwilling to succumb to the terms that what he wants is not possible to grasp. Gatsby comes back from his departure to war still fixed on the idea of Daisy and a life with her. He changes himself for her, wanting nothing more than to be the man that she wants. "His own dream of wealth meant nothing itself; he merely wanted to buy back the happiness he had lost--Daisy not the rich man's wife--when he had gone away to

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