
The Great Depression Of The United Kingdom After The European Union Essay

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Throughout the world, the economy plays a role in each and every country. One event can cause a drastic change within the economy and effect the lives of millions of people. Some examples of these events include the Great Depression, the Industrial Revolution, the United Kingdom leaving the European Union (Brexit), and many more. The question is; how do people react during times when the economic status is fluctuating in the world? Therefore, this leads to my proposal: I suggest researchers conduct a study to see how people react to performance levels of the economy by turning to religion as their solution.
Brief Literature Review
People Seeking Religion
During times when a country is economically growing, people are less likely to engage with religious affiliates or engage religious practices/traditions. Jochen Hirschile proposes that during economic growth, people do the opposite of what Max Weber says about building traits and values (Secularization Of Consciousness’). Economic Growth actually causes people to have a decline in traits and values, which ultimately concludes that there is a decrease in religious practices among people. To support Hirschile, Benjamin Friedman also discusses how economic growth can cause people to become consequently less moral (The Moral Consequences). On the other hand, people tend to become more religious during times of economic distress and uncertainty. Simon Metcalfe and Reginald Harris conducted a study on how the

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