
The Great Gatsby And Daisy Relationship

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The love in great Gatsby started with Gatsby and Daisy. They both met in way back high school

when they were teenagers. They got split apart due to the fact that Gatsby joined the military. He

was in the military for five years. Since Gatsby went to war for so long, Daisy found a new love,

Tom Buchanan. When Gatsby got out of the military his goal is to get Daisy back. He tried to

throw these big parties at his mansion that everyone could attend to for free and hoping that Daisy

would show up to one. Daisy never came to one of the parties so Gatsby came up with a plan to

invite his neighbor Nick (Daisy’s cousin) hoping he would bring Daisy along. That didn’t work

out, but because Nick showed up and met Gatsby, they became friends

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