
The Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald

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Change can be both good and bad. Change is constantly occurring and has occurred for centuries. The 1920s were a period of great social, political, and technological change in United States ("Roaring Twenties”). The Great War had just ended, and America exited the war victorious. Society was becoming more and more social and the economy was booming. Art, design, and especially architecture were becoming more modern due to the occurring Art Deco Movement. And many people had obtained or were close to obtaining their “American Dream.” In his novel The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald, through the use of his narrator Nick Carraway, a stock broker from the Midwest who is currently living in New York, describes the American Dream of Jay Gatsby …show more content…

However, Art Deco was focused more on angular, geometric shapes, abstract patterns and a slick technological look (Striner 23). The main goal of the Art Deco movement was to “[serve] as an important channel between radical and traditionalist design responses to twentieth-century challenges” (Striner 21). With the constant changes happening in society it was hard to find a balance, and the Art Deco movement was an attempt to find that balance between traditionalism and modernism (Striner 24). Traditionalists were typically conservative, religious people from rural areas. They wanted to preserve their traditional and religious values (Lüsted 12). Modernists however, embraced the social change and advocated new ideologies, such as, liberalism, the sexual revolution, atheism, evolution, and socialism. Modernists were typically young, urban people who rejected traditional restrictions and values, especially those surrounding gender roles (Lüsted 12). In Fitzgerald’s novel the traditionalists are represented by the people of East Egg like Tom and Daisy Buchanan who come from money and do not really have to work in order to be successful. The modernists are represented by the people of West Egg such as Jay Gatsby and Nick Carraway who did not necessarily come from a lot of money and had to work in order to become successful. They are the people who have dreams and have to work hard in order to achieve those dreams. Much like how the traditionalists frequently did not see eye

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