
The Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald

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“The Great Gatsby” by Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald brings a picture of the American society during the 1920`s. The 1920`s were a time of parties, drinking and having fun. Many longed to be rich and to become a member of the upper class. Although this was the dream for many Americans of this time, it seemed almost impossible to become a part of this social elite unless born into it. Fitzgerald criticizes the American Dream by creating characters from new money, old money and the working class, who all fail in gaining life, freedom and happiness. This is a critical period where the view of the American Dream has been transformed from the ideal dream to a materialistic dream. The old American Dream before corruption allowed you to gain wealth, power and high status through hard work and dedication. However, times have changed, so do values. The American Dream transformed into the materialistic aspects. Materialistic possessions determine success which shows corruption has taken root in society. Fitzgerald creates the tumultuous twenties by showing the division of classes. He does this by showing to the readers where the new money lives and where the old money lives. West Egg is home to “new money,” those who have acquired their wealth recently and lack an established social position. East Egg is home to “old money,” those who possess wealth that has been inherited through several generations. Fitzgerald talks about how people from the more wealthy side of town, East Egg,

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