
The Great Gatsby Questions And Answers

Satisfactory Essays

1. List 5 facts associated with life in the 1920's. (5 marks)
a. F. Scott Fitzgerald publishes The Great Gatsby in 1925.
b. Canada is the world's second-largest producer of cars, after the United States.
c. Ice hockey is introduced for the first time at the Summer Olympic Games in Antwerp, Belgium. The Canadian men’s hockey team wins gold. (1920)
d. Women began going to bars, drinking, smoking and wearing more revealing clothing.
e. Women at this period also had the right to vote finally.
2. What year was the novel originally published and what year was it set in? (2 marks)
The Great Gatsby was originally published in 1925 and it was set in 1920’s
3. What is a flapper? (1 mark)
A flapper is a fashionable young woman intent on enjoying herself

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