
Essay about The Greek Gods Did Not Think Before They Acted

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Heroes are often individuals who are revered for their noble actions, courageous deeds, or simply remarkable feats. They are remembered and commended throughout their life span and after their passing as they touch the people around them in a positive manner. Comparable to modern day heroes, the heroes presented in the Greek tragedies in 400 B.C are also dignified and highly recognized. However, by elaborating the imperfections of the man or the woman and the resulting problems, Greek tragedies often root from a fatal flaw. By placing power on their emotions when making decisions, they are unable to come to terms with the repercussions at an early stage. When they finally step back and rationally understand situations it essentially is too …show more content…

Rather than blindly accepting the strict laws put forth by Creon, Antigone abides to long held traditions and desires to revere both her family and the Gods. She is undoubtedly dedicated to her family as she takes charge to assure a respectful burial for her brother. When Antigone first confronts Ismene about the burial, she is very assertive and is “[willing] to lie by his side” (Sophocles 3). Strongly committed to her plan, Antigone is set forth on doing what she thinks is right. By placing importance on family values and long held traditions, Antigone essentially disregards the law of the city to honor her family. Critic Robert mentions that “the loss of [a] brother is irreparable to [a] sister and her duty towards him is the highest” (422). Although she must remain loyal to the city and her family, Antigone consistently settles to align her morals and desires to venerate her family. Along with her good intentions, Antigone possess moral courage as she follows her heart and full heartedly decides to accept the future consequences. Overall, Antigone’s family nobility and dignified values work to help classify her as a tragic heroine. Furthermore, Antigone encompasses another tenant of a tragic heroine: a tragic flaw. According to Aristotle, there is always an imperfection that stems to demise (14). Specifically, Antigone’s tragic flaw is her hubris because she is very confident and self-assured in

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