
Core Values Of Antigone

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“I do. I deny nothing.” In the play Antigone, the main character Antigone has a strong belief in her core values. The belief in her core values was so strong that it even caused her death. The play Antigone takes place and was written in 500 B.C.E. It is a Greek tragedy written by Sophocles. Antigone also has flaws like she is very stubborn and to loyal. Loyalty is a good virtue but too much can be a flaw. Antigone has many core values, but some of them outshine the others. One of her core values is that she has a strong commitment of loyalty to her family. Another core value is her strong commitment of her loyalty to ownership . A final core value of hers out of many is that she has a belief that dying with honor is important. While Antigone has flaws, her beliefs and following in her core values outshine her flaws and influence her choices through the play. Her core value of commitment of her loyalty to family is an important value for her to have. She believes that family comes first. “But I will bury him, and if I must die, I say that crime is holy.” “But as for me I will bury the brother I love.” “But I will bury him, and if I must die, I say that crime is holy.” This proves that Antigone is loyal to her family because, no matter the consequence she is determined to bury her brother. This is because to her, her brother deserves to be honored. Antigone puts her family before the law. “But as for me I will bury the brother I love.” This proves that Antigone has a

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