
The Gross National Income ( GNI )

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The Gross National Income (GNI) is defined as “the sum of value added by all resident producers plus any product taxes (less subsidies) not included in the valuation of output plus net receipts of primary income (compensation of employees and property income) from abroad.” GNI per capita based on purchasing power parity (PPP) is the GNI converted to the international dollar, which is equivalent to the USD. This measurement is necessary because comparisons are made amongst 188 countries and territories, so these aggregate price levels and exchange rates at a common rate. Below is the Russian PPP per capita GNI compared to the World and U.S. PPP per capita GNI.

GNI based on PPP indicates the living standard and the currency purchasing …show more content…

In a shrinking economy, it can prove difficult to navigate a clear pathway. As a business looking to start a new venture it would be more beneficial to move forward when the GDP percentages increase through economic boost. The graph below depicts the dramatic decrease in GDP percentage over the past five years.

10.3 Define and discuss the current YEAR inflation rate. Then compare the 5-year trend for your county and discuss how that could impact your proposed business venture. Include a bar chart or line graph showing these 5 year trends.
The inflation rate in Russia is the rate at which the price level for goods and services rises over a period. Here we will look at the current inflation rate for Russia this year, and then compare it to the past five years. So far, this year alone, Russia’s overall inflation rate has decreased significantly, starting from 5 at the beginning of the year, but by the month of April it had dropped to 4.1. Their inflation rate had peaked last year, capping out at around 17%, which is significant, because in the past 5 years it has been as low as 4%. Currently it is below the projected inflation rate of 4.2%, and is at its lowest since May 2012. Prices for goods and services have been increasing at a slower rate because of a low interest rate. Goods evaluated include clothing, utilities, and transportation. The decline in the inflation rate might be linked with the fact that

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