
The HIPAA Law and Its Importance

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Topic: The HIPAA Law and Its Importance. General purpose: To inform. Specific Purpose: I want to inform my audience about HIPAA “Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act”. Thesis: Three things that every patient should new about HIPAA; what is HIPAA, Privacy regulations, and sanctions of violations Introduction: I. [attention getter] In 2013 ISU has agreed to pay 400.000 to the U.S. Department of Health Human Services (HHS) because of alleged violations of HIPAA. About 17,500 patients their informations were in unsafe electronic protected health information (ePHI). A. When you go to the hospital you always fill some papers at firs and this is related to HIPAA. B. Patients information has to be confidential even children from their parents. C. Example of taking to someone. II. [Introduction of topic] A. Last year in Portneuf Medical Center 35,324 patients visited the hospital's emergency room. B. By HIPAA patients and employees should be safe and protected. III. [Credibility] My name is Abdullah I’m student at ISU going to Respiratory therapy. A. I had job shadowing at Portneuf medical center here in Pocatello. B. I have taking upper division class in health ethics which a lot of it focusing in HIPAA. IV. [preview] Today, I am going to Three things that every patient should new about HIPAA. A. First, what is HIPAA. B. Second, Privacy regulations. C. Third, sanctions of violations. Transition: first thing that I want to start with is what is HIPAA and some

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