
The Happiness Advantage

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Everyone’s ideal world contains no problems. The dream life is full of happiness because you have the perfect job, an abundance of money to afford the best of things, and a magic wand to wave and solve any issue that comes your way. This would be considered in today’s society a person who is very successful, and most of all, happy. This may not always be true. In Shawn Achor’s book, The Happiness Advantage, he describes happiness as a feeling that everyone should have regardless of the situation they are in or the problems they are dealing with. He discusses that happiness is the precursor to success, and not to be confused with the opposing view. The 3 main theories that Achor believes will give the greatest happiness advantage is The Zorro Circle, The Fulcrum and the Lever, and the Social Investment. Achor suggests that happiness comes before success because happiness will give you a better outlook, and success may not always intend that happiness is to follow. Our most positive emotions include hope, love, pride and joy. Each of these emotions are different according to the person experiencing them. All of them relate to happiness, which can help us to be in a better mood in the future as well as in the present (Achor, p.40). Happiness should be our main focus in everything we do. When we set up a smarter and more motivated mindset, we then start to focus on our own happiness and allow success to grow from that feeling. Happiness should be the first thing we think about

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