
The Hatchet By Gary Paulsen Summary

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Hatchet By Gary Paulsen Summarizer Prepare a brief summary using the format in the J.A.R. Reegan and Sheira CH 13 PG 115-123: Reegan: There was a fish moving at the bottom of the water. The fish started leaking at the bottom. Then there was the mama bear and its cubs. When he turned there was wolves. Brian was scared at first but the wolves took him in as their own. At one point the wolves lest brian, then came back. Brian also let the fire burn out. He went to bed and woke up with cuts on his arms blood on him and seeing the red blood turning black and drying out. Sheira: It revealed what Brian thought of himself and how he thought he wasn’t weak anymore while he is surviving on his own, he sat back and thought about all the things he has become such as, a survivor by making fire and hunting for food. He stayed up all night until the bow looked beautiful. When he tried the bow it broke, Brian made many mistakes but it made him better. He then made a new bow and went hunting for fish. This time his target succeeded and he got the fish. He became proud that he captured the fish. He felt new hope building in him, not hope of him getting rescued, he had hope that it was a new him. He …show more content…

He did know what day it was because he left a mark on a stone in his shelter for every day like in prisons. He was just doing the same things everyday, adding wood to the fire, picking berries, sitting by the fire eating, going to the lake to drink water, then going to sleep. But he wanted more, he wanted real meat, he went looking and saw rabbits and squirrels, he could only hunt for the big rabbits because the small rabbits and squirrels were too fast. There was also “fool birds” as Brian calls them, they camouflage in with their surroundings so it was hard to see them, He was upset because that meant that he wouldn't be able to see them

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