Have you ever thought about all of the life lessons and skills that kids don’t learn or have if the don’t play on a competitive sports team? Competitive sports help with obesity and learning skills that are very helpful in their everyday lives. Some people would argue that competitive sports are harmful and not needed, competitive sports actually helps kids to have more respect towards adults and peers. Competitive sports are beneficial because, they help kids to stay fit, they help them mentally and they improve their social skills. First off, competitive sports help to stay fit. Staying active keeps kids from getting lazy and overweight. According to Kirk Mango, “As a physical educator it is impossible to cover the benefits gained from …show more content…
Sports help to teach kids things that help them mentally. Setting goals is one useful skill that they learn from playing on a sports team. “Creating and setting goals is an integral part of being an athlete. They give direction and represent a place in the future where one wants to be.” (Mango) Setting goals is a major part of playing competitive sports. It helps for a child to know where they want to be in the future and it is a good life skill to have. Playing competitive sports helps to teach kids to not give up. In the article, The Benefits of Competitive Athletic Sports, it says, “When this happens, their level of perseverance and determination will be tested. The hope here is that they become stronger within over time.” This quote shows that competitive sports help kids to persevere and learn how to make it through tough obstacles, not only in sports, but also in real world situations. This skill makes them stronger on the inside and a good problem solver. The last example comes from the article What Are the Benefits of Competitive Sports for Youth?. Its says, “When a child wins a game with his team, he feels accomplished and recognized. Even when he doesn't win, he can learn a valuable lesson: that you can't win every time.” This proves that competitive sports help with a child's self esteem. It is good for them to have a high self esteem so that they are more confident and feel good about …show more content…
Having good social skills won’t only help in sports, but also in everyday life. “Learning how to cooperate in a manner that is best for all and that enhances one's chances of accomplishment is of great value that goes way beyond the athletic field.” (Mango) This quote shows that competitive sports help with cooperation. Cooperation is a skill that will help them at school and work and is a great skill to have to help improve their character. Next, competitive sports help them to not have negative behavior. “According to the President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, youth sports can help deter negative behavior, such as joining a gang, because competitive sports provide an outlet for expression, friendship and controlled aggression.” This quote is written by Sarah Davis and proves that competitive sports make kids less likely to contribute to negative things. Being busy from sports makes kids have less time on their hands to be bored and do bad things that they will regret in the future. Also, they don’t want to get kicked off their team and let their teammates down from doing something bad. Third of all, competitive sports help to create friendships. In the article, The Benefits of Competitive Athletic Sports, Kirk Mango says, “Participating in sports gives athletes the ability to develop tight and lasting friendships with others who have common interests.” Having things in common and spending a lot
Have you ever wondered how some people would turn out if they never had that competitive drive from the sports they played? Today many people and different organizations believe competitive sports are not good for kids. While many other believe it is important for children to have that competitive drive and it's okay for children to loss and be hurt. The people who want to get rid of competitive sports say that losing hurts a child’s self-esteem and makes them feel “left out” especially if they are not playing the whole game. While yes losing can hurt, children will get over it and realize it is okay. In today’s society competitive sports are a very important part of growing up as the competitive drive children have will help them all their lives. Which is why competitive sports should not be taken out of schools and kids should be encouraged to be competitive as it will help them later in life to reach their goals, build a good work ethic and show them that not everything is handed to them.
This proves that playing competitive sports is good for the youth and it can also benefit them by playing on a team. It also gives them a lot of life skills such as confidence that they will use later on in their life when they have a job. Lucy Calkins is an expert in writing and in her article “Get Off That Couch and Play!” she also says that, “Students learn important life skills such as how to accept criticism, how to handle oneself under the pressure of competition, how to work hard toward a goal, how to win and lose graciously” (2014). In addition, to Lucy Calkins article “Get Off That Couch and Play!” that later in life if an adult is at a job interview they will need confidence while they are being interviewed, otherwise they probably won’t get the job. Adults and Children also need to work hard to get towards a goal. Like if someone is at their job and their boss needs something right away, they must get it done and not day dream. In the article “Pros and Cons of Sports Competition at High School Level,” education researcher and writer Grace Chen says, “When children and teens participate in group competitions and activities, they learn skills that
This is an interesting story. It was a lot more interesting than I thought it would be. I'm going to choose juror 11 because I thought it was interesting how he constantly saw the bigger picture of democracy and choice during the whole process. He voted "not guilty" after enough evidence was presented that the old man could not have walked to his door in 15 seconds and therefore couldn't have seen or heard what he said he did, which is a good reason for a "reasonable doubt".
The first reason I think kids should play competitive sports is communication. Communication is one major skill you will need in order to get a job, and what is convenient about this is that competitive sports can teach you this life skill. Coaches who mainly focus on communication are teaching youth athletes how to maintain and start relationships such as, family, friends, etc. Communication is mainly (in sports) taught through “games” if you are playing a game such as soccer you will need to communicate with your team members in order to work together.. But communication is not only taught through sports it is also mainly taught through school from working on group projects to something as simple as recess or lunch. LIke I said before understanding communication and how it works is key to getting a job. In a Career Quest article “Why Communication Skills are Essential to Your Future Career” says in a employee survey that communication skills almost
Sports can be viewed as a learning environment that helps individuals learn life lessons, foster strong work habits and develop core values all the while learning a sport skill. Youth sports that truly benefit young athletes should be structured to emphasize participation more than just competition. Children enjoy a sport more when they are able to have fun (Humpries). Despite many excesses some sport programs still manage to promote important virtues like self- confidence, teamwork, personal responsibility, coping skills, and persistence. Through sports kids can learn to stay organized and learn how to prioritize (Ferguson). Sports enables development of physical skills and increasing proficiency makes kids feel good about themselves. It teaches kids that failure is something to overcome and and not to fear (Meyerhoff 8-9). Youth sports has many aspects that are truly benefiting for children, but these benefits are slowly being clouded by the negatives that are prominent in today's youth sports.
One reason that the competitive sports are beneficial for youth is that it helps to create determination to succeed in life. According to the article
Some think that competitive sports are great for children but others think that they are not beneficial. This is important to the people because competitive sports are a big part of many lives. It is clear that competitive sports are not beneficial for children because competitive sports are often consumed with pressure from parents and coaches, also not all children get fair amounts of playing time on the field.
It also teaches you competition because when you try to get a job and you have to compete with everyone else. s shown in this quote”Participating in sports teaches children and teenagers how to compete in the real world”(Sarah Davis). As Well as that you learn to lose which helps you so you don’t get in a hole after you might not get your job or you lose your job or you just in general do something wrong you can get over it easier and then you’ll be able to be more efficient at your job. As a effect of being more efficient you might get a pay raise when you get older, and be more sought after by employers and have a job with those life lessons. All of the previous statements are shown in this paragraph by livestrong “Playing sports can help kids understand how competition works in a friendly environment, and that if you try your hardest, you have a better chance to succeed”(Sarah
Athletics teaches the importance of health and fitness. Kids will also gain crucial real world lessons about winning and losing. Lastly, Sports help build good character and good sportsmanship. For this reason, it is imperative that children are given the opportunity to play competitive
Should or should kids not play competitive sports, this popular debate leaves some people with a passion broken hearted, and others hurt physically because they pushed too hard. Others believe that competitive sports are a godsend, parents can finally get their kids to exercise, and kids finally realize the benefits of being active. It's clear that both sides of the argument have pros and cons, but competitive sports is a clear winner. Kids should be able to play competitive sports because of the amazing health benefits both mentally and physically, the social advantages such as making more friends, And more than anything kids can feel better on the inside with boosted confidence and a sense of belonging.
Although competitive sports can have many negative effects, one positive effect is that you learn many life skills by just doing one thing. According to Kirk Mango, you can learn coping skills, sports help develop character, desire and inner will, determination/preservation, commitment, discipline, sacrifice, priorities, builds a better heart, creating a positive mindset, cooperation, and of course who could forget teamwork. This all is true but in fact you could do this by participating in non competitive activities, although that may be hard to find this is true. Just find friendlier
Sports have many effect on children through their life. Sports and play have been linked to better cognitive abilities and being healthier. Sports teams may also give a player a family away from home becoming closer to others and being a better-rounded individual. I’m of the belief that sports bring many advantages to students not only in school but out of it too.
A topic that has been big to debate about is competitive sports. People say that competitive sports teaches kids teamwork, helps them stay fit at a young age, and has shown signs of increase in kids confidence and self-esteem. While others argue that it can cause permanent injuries, place lots of stress, and can struggle with self image like being “forced” to join. In the end , I believe that kids should still participate in competitive sports.
One thing that is a positive outcome in sports is the overflowing happiness people get when they participate in competitive sports. One example is that “children who were involved in sports were more assertive, had greater confidence in their skills and physical appearance, and reported more positive feelings than those who didn’t participate. (Merkal, Donna, Youth sport: positive and negative impact on young athletes, 201, May 31).” If children hold an extreme love for the sport they play, most children use that sport as an escape. Playing sports blows off steam and helps people relax. “Physical activity stimulates various brain chemicals that may leave you feeling happier and more relaxed. (Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research ,Exercise: 7 benefits of regular physical activity, 1998).” Playing sports can help bring families or other kids together to build strong bonds. “It appears that US children are healthy and happy as they engage in this traditional pastime, and families report higher levels of satisfaction if their children participate. (Macdonald, Brian, Kids in Sports, Part 5: Can sports help shy kids to make friends?, 2009).” A pat on the back from a parental figure is enough to keep kids going and doing their best. Because sports make children happier, they are more prone to keep playing which all in all makes children happier and it teaches kids to do what makes them happy. With suicide being the second biggest fatality for adolescents doing what makes them happy can be a life or death situation.
The first reason competitive sports are good is they improve everyone’s health. Mango thinks that exercise and physical fitness is a good thing in our country where obesity is a problem. Davis thinks it will burn calories and motivates kids to eat healthier foods. According to O’Connor obesity would plunge by 26% if kids played on two sports teams per year.