
The Health Survey For England

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The study utilises data that has already been collected as part of the Health Survey for England (HSE). The HSE is an annual survey which examines the health of the English population. It is commissioned by the NHS Information Centre for Health and Social care. The HSE has been chosen over other population surveys for the following reasons: • It allows a larger sample of the population to be included in the study than what could be collected independently over a short time period. • Anonymous data is freely available and of good quality • It collects information on multiple members of the same household • It is updated annually and most information is comparable to previous years • It collects information on drinking and mental health • A …show more content…

Stage 1 PSUs are made up of addresses which have been grouped together by postcode sectors. PSU for inclusion in the HSE are then selected randomly using stratified sampling, this involves: • Sorting all of the PSUs in England by Strategic Health Authority (SHA). • Within each SHA, local authorities are then sorted by the percentage of adults in the National Statistics Socio-Economic Classification (NS-SEC) groups 1 and 2 (managerial, administrative and professional occupations). • To obtain the stratified sample, the PSUs are then selected by sampling from the sorted list at fixed intervals (from a random starting point). Using this method 564 PSUs were selected in 2012. Stage 2 Within each selected PSU, a random sample of 16 households is then drawn. In 2012 this provided 9,024 (= 564 x 16) addresses. The household response rate in 2012 was 64%, this is similar to previous years (table x). Table 4: The number of HSE respondents by survey year 2010 2011 2012 2013 Number of households selected 11995 8992 9024 9408 Response rate 66%, 70% 66% 64% 64% Total number of respondents 14112 10617 10334 10980 Number of adults (16+) 8420 8610 8291 8795 Number of children (2-15) 5692 2007 2043 2185 Table x shows 2 response rates for the 2010 survey, this is because an additional boost sample of children aged 2-15 was carried out in this year. Some children were sampled from the

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