
The Help Film Analysis

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“The help” film is a perfect representation of how the south was and gives an idea on how bad African Americans were treated even if they were being paid and not only that but it also shows how different everything was back then. For example, as shown in the movie the women back then were quite different from today. Skeeter the main character is described as a very independent woman compared to the rest of the white female characters. She doesn’t seem to have an interest in men now but considers finding a dependable job unlike the other white females. Skeeter was also an educated woman and even had a bachelor’s degree. Back in that specific time frame this was rather odd for a lady to be educated. Skeeter tries to advocate for the events that are occurring within southern homes by writing the experiences of the Jackson, Mississippi’s black maids. Meanwhile, the film shows southern culture in great detail.
In the first scenes of “The Help” there was a scene in which a black maid was telling a white female (Skeeter) about her life story and then it enters to all the scenes before until that point which are narrated by Abilene to Skeeter. The film shows many maid stories and where it helps to identify the superiority of the white over the black race. The black women were maids and took care of the white females’ children and raised them, they as well did everything such as cooking, cleaning, washing, ironing and grocery shopping etc. White females on the other hand could care

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