
The Hidden And Gender Stereotypes Essay

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A gender stereotype is a generalized view or perception about characteristics that are or should be possessed by, or the roles that are or should be performed by women and men. A gender stereotype is harmful and can lessen women when it limits their capacity to develop their personal abilities, chase their professional careers and make choices about their lives and life plans. The obvious biological form of men and women arise the challenge of the hidden language metaphors in science. While women have begun to earn acceptance in the workforce in the past decades, men have not yet seen societal acceptance in politics, let alone as caregivers and homemakers. Gender roles exist exclusively because society as a whole chooses to accept them, but they are supported by the media.
The obvious biological form of men and women arise the challenge of the hidden language metaphors in science. Men and women contain valuable substances for the reproductive system such as the sperm and egg. Both take part in a serious result of new life. Language however be littles the worth of, of course women, such as the egg is large and “passive”, it does not move like sperm, sperm is on the other hand “active” and is able to deliver their genes to the egg. (Martin, 2013, p.119). But still, the roles of the reproductive organs have the stereotype to their names; the egg and how feminine it is, and the sperm to how masculine it is. Menstrual cycle described as losing,

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