
The High Cost Of Health Care

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Course Project Over many years health care has had a focal point in the health and wellness of people. In today’s age, there are more and more people around the world becoming at risk of diseases or other health related issues. It’s critical in today’s era to stay on top of federal, state, and other global health care regulations to make sure all hospital facilities are compliant. The health of individuals is valuable and should be taken serious. Many Americans struggle in their day to day lives with bills and other things which make it hard or near impossible to go get seen by a doctor. Most of these individuals might not have health care insurance. Health care maintenance organizations are a type of health insurance plan that usually limits …show more content…

Appleby (2012) states the United States spends more on health care service than any other country, exceeding $2.6 trillion, or about 18 percent of gross domestic product. With the United States investing more money than any other country in the world, it means the country is making sure the American people are taken care of. But one thing is for certain and that is the American people are getting older which means more health care services needing to be provided. Another reason for price hikes is technology. As technology improves, the more health care will cost to the consumer. Lastly, the American people expect more when paying for health care rather than how good the quality of care they are receiving. They feel as though they are receiving better care when they have more care when in all actuality they are not. Doctors are seeing multiple patients an hour, reducing the actual face to face time with a patient. This creates patient dissatisfaction and not being able to really discuss what’s going on health wise with your doctor. One problem the United States is facing is overprescribing of medications. Overall, many Americans are facing a real problem and needs to be addressed more than what it is. From drug addictions of pain killers to simply being prescribed unnecessary amounts of medications, doctors are quick to prescribe and not actually figure out what the patient really needs. According …show more content…

I have mentioned the earlier that there needs to be better reforms for health care quality and access to care, making it easier for people that are less fortunate to have the same rights as people that have easier access. One way to lower health care cost is if everyone plays their role in preventive care. Getting their yearly vaccinations and check-ups help reduce the rising cost of health care. With following preventive measures it will help aid in making people stay healthier longer, live longer and of course catch early stages of illness before it spirals out of control. Counseling patients is another method to continue to decrease the obesity issue in the United States along with alcohol and drug addictions, smoking and other health

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