
The Historical Events Of The Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald

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“A piece of writing may start off life as history or philosophy and then come to be ranked as literature; or it may start off as literature and then come to be valued for its archaeological significance” (Eagleton 7). As British philosopher, Terry Eagleton, eloquently explains, literature and history are deeply intertwined. Literature is heavily influenced by the history it is surrounded by; this sphere of influence includes prominent leaders, religions, wars, revolutions, and much more. Many classics show the influence of well-known historical events of their time period such as: 1984 by George Orwell which was influenced by the spread of communism and totalitarian governments, The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald influenced by the roaring 1920s, and Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird influenced by the racial inequalities prevalent in America. Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein can be added to this list as well. Frankenstein was influenced by the search for knowledge, loss of innocence, and romantic heroes both in history and literature of the Romantic period of 1798 through 1832; these same topics that influenced Shelley and other Romantic writers, influence the contemporary society and literature. In late 1700s, the beginning of the romantic time period, the Industrial Revolution took root in England (Ashton). Once the revolution took root, the race for knowledge ensued. This race, not confined to England, caused a period of innovation and creativity. Because of the new

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