
The Historical Reflection Of Anne Crimp's 'Anne'

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The memories of ‘Anne’ are corrected while spoken, and the photographs are proven as unreliable as ‘Anne’s’ mother fails to recognise her daughter in the picture she has sent from her holiday. When she glances closer she realises the photograph is simply ‘dots and pixels’, and does not resemble her daughter. Crimp satirises the historical biographies of people are made of reconstructions of memories, opinions and interpretations, while objects, photographs and videos are the only concrete evidence of the past.The speaker creates reflections of Anne through various medias such as photographs, videos, film scripts, suicide notes as well as personal belongings such as medicine bottles or her ashtray. The speaker’s testimonials include her …show more content…

The objectification of woman has been a highly controversial topic and the source of feminist outrage for centuries and is highly exploited in Attempts on Her Life. The fungibility of the female character emphasises the notion that women are merely seen as objects. Throughout the play ‘Anne’ is described as objects, embodying a ‘chalice’ or ‘rugby ball’ as her face held by a male lover. In Scenario 6 she is characterised as a tree going on to tell her parents that she wants to ‘be a machine’ a car or an automatic pistol, satirising the message of media’s constructed views to see females as mere objects. Crimp goes one step further to create a limitless identity by the addition of a motor vehicle. His contemporary idea theorised ‘If Anny can be a car, she can be anything’ and had since revealed in an interview that the moment he included ‘Anny' into the play was when the content and structure fully formed. Scenario 7 entitled ‘The New Anny’ does not show a new female but instead introduces a new brand of car called ‘Anny'. The car commercial highlights the sexualisation of the female body in advertising by comparing the female body to the body of a car. The representation of the car reduces the female to commodity status, signifying the objectification of women in modern society and specifically media and advertising. Crimp had noticed the growing trend and new-found

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