
The History Of Interpersonal Communication

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Communication between two individuals has changed more than we have ever expected within the past 50 years. Communication was simple half a century ago, and now communication is fairly complex. Two people would either call each other through home landlines, write letters to one another, or need to communicate face to face in order to communicate effectively. Nowadays there is a plethora of ways to get in contact with someone; face to face, cellphones, social media websites, email, etc. Through an assignment our class performed, interviewing an adult 70+ years of age, we were able to gather information on how interpersonal communication functioned in their early stages of life, and how it has changed since then. The results from these interviews show that the 70+ year olds believe that communication does not better or worsen but changes overtime. Interpersonal communication among most cultures across the world has changed and grown simultaneously as time does. Over the course of four classes, the class as a whole listened and learned about our fellow classmates interviewee’s and their opinions and perspectives on interpersonal communication. Many of the 70+ year olds who were interviewed agree that communication has changed due to times changing and due to technology advancements. Allison Kantor and Brad Lewinski interviewed two individuals who do have many differences but similarities in the beliefs about interpersonal communication. Allison interviewed a woman by the name of Tina Stoker. Tina was born May 8, 1937 in Friesland, Netherlands. Tina moved to the United States at the age of nine years old. Tina and her family arrived to the United States on a ship called Nieuw Amsterdam, the ship took Tina’s family all the way from Amsterdam to New York, coming in through Ellis Island. Tina had two sisters and one brother growing up, and the family decided to settle in Artesia, California because Tina’s father, a dairyman, purchased a dairy farm in Artesia. Tina’s mother was a housewife, and the four children did many chores around the house to help the mother and to keep the household in tip-top shape. Brad interviewed his grandmother’s ex-husband by the name of Henry Villalovoz. Henry was born August 23,

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