
The Hollywood Ten : The Waldorf Statement Of The Hollywood 10

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Unfortunately for the Hollywood Ten, Congress disagreed with their testimony and held the Ten in contempt of Congress and were convicted in 1948. Later, the Ten appealed and sat before the Supreme Court where they received their second chance in proving their innocence and exposing the corruption that was taking place within HUAC. In 1950, the Supreme Court refused to hear their case and with no other options, the Hollywood Ten was forced to pay a $1,000 dollar fine and serve up to a one year sentence in prison. Even more so, the Association of Motion Picture Producers who previously stated that they would stand behind the Hollywood Ten, issued what would become known as the “Waldorf Statement.” It read, “We will forthwith discharge or suspend without compensation those in our employ and we will not re-employ any of the 10 until such time as he is acquitted or has purged himself of contempt and declares under oath that he is not a Communist.” This triggered the birth of the blacklist and the end to hundreds of actors, writers, directors and producers careers. The AAMP believed that the creation of the Blacklist was a way in which they could undeniably appear to back HUAC in their investigation and because of this they would be less likely to be targeted. Consequently, it was not only the Hollywood Ten who was condemned to unemployment, but as HUAC continued its investigation into the pasts of hundreds of Hollywood stars, the list grew rapidly. This is because the

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