
The Holocaust : The Origin Of The Holocaust

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The "Holocaust" refers to the period from January 30, 1933, when Adolf Hitler became Chancellor of Germany, where he appointed at the same time Herman Göring as Minister of the Interior for the State of Prussia (“Corrections" 1999). This allowed Göring to control two-thirds of the country Berlin, “commissioner for aviation,” and “commander-in-chief of the Prussian police” regime (“Corrections" 1999). The leniency of laws for police allowed dishonest cops to commit lawless acts of violence and thievery on its citizens while terrorizing the Jews (“The Gestapo is Born”). Consequently, when Göring ordered the removal of unlawful police from their departments, the overflow of arrest held in “protective custody” maximized the capacity of prisons. In essence, this led to the origin of the “concentration camp system” (“The Gestapo is Born”).
One of Hitler’s top lieutenants, Governor General Hans Frank, issued a decree on October 15, 1941, which states, “Jews who, without permission leave the district to which they have been confined are subject to punishment by death. Persons who deliberately offer a hiding place to such Jews are also subject to this punishment” (“Poland”). This venomous decree issued by Governor Hans enforced an evil law to annihilate the Jewish population from the face of the earth. In order for the Jews to escape certain death during the Nazi regime, they sought refuge in the forests and from non-Jewish communities for their survival. Non-Jewish communities such

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