
The Holocaust of World War II Essay

Decent Essays

During World War II, one of the greatest horrors of war was happening. The mass genocide of not only the Jewish people but also Russian prisoners of war, Gypsies, Polish and Ukrainian people (Wistrich, 2003, Pg. 3-4, a). The horror also included the German people themselves. Ones that were handicapped, mentally ill, homosexuals, some religious people, members of labor unions, and political rivals where all part of the Holocaust (Berenbaum, 2011, a). On March twentieth nineteen hundred and thirty-three Hitler opened up the first concentration camp near Dachau Germany (Landau, 1998, Pg. 136, a). From there the German government began sending people to concentration camps to work and to die. Whom they sent, why they sent them, …show more content…

2-4, b). In fact, there was even a board game for children made called “Juden Raus”, in it the children had to gather all the Jews together and move them to Palestine (Leibel, 2009). Then on January thirtieth nineteen hundred and thirty-nine Hitler made his first of six public speeches that called for the extermination of the Jewish people not their deportation (Herf, 2006, Pg. 5, c). Hitler and his people said that they were going to kill the Jews before the Jews could kill the Germans (Herf, 2006, Pg. 7, d). It was not only the Jews that Hitler wanted to eliminate, he sent his own people, prisoners of war, and anyone that got in his way or did not believe in his way to their deaths (Berenbaum, 2011, b). Before Hitler announced the extermination of the Jewish people, he had made their lives as severe and cruel as possible. From nineteen hundred and thirty-three until nineteen hundred and forty-three Hitler passed laws to confine, separate, downgrade, and control the Jewish people (Bartov, 2001, Pg. 28- 30, a). Some of the decrees took things away from the Jewish people, such as they could not hold public office, they could not own property, and they could not get a higher education (Bartov, 2001, Pg. 28-30, b). Others would not allow the German people to mix with Jewish people, as the Germany could not rent to,

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